Tips for Cleaning New Construction Homes & Maintaining a Healthy Space

Part of the appeal of buying a new construction home is that everything is brand-new and doesn't require much maintenance and upkeep. However, just because the appliances, walls, and floors haven't been lived in yet doesn't mean they don't need to be cleaned. 


It may seem unnecessary to clean new construction homes, but as you look closer at the nooks and crannies of your new abode, you'll notice that it may have dust and debris left over from the building process (after all, it was a construction site before it was a home!). So, before you start moving your furniture and belongings, it's good to clean the whole place from top to bottom. Keep reading for our top tips for cleaning new construction homes and creating a comfortable space!


Room-by-Room Cleaning Tips for New Construction Homes

Taking care of your new home starts from the moment you buy it. Fortunately, while there are some areas with more dirt and dust than others, it's relatively easy to clean a new construction house, especially when it's still empty. Let's break down the process, room by room.


Living Room 

If the living room is carpeted, construction dust may have settled into the fibers. Also, people likely have been walking through the house during the finishing and selling stages. So, even though the carpet may look clean, it's likely dirtier than you realize. It’s best to use a vacuum cleaner designed for the type of carpet you have (i.e. low pile vs. high pile). 


We also recommend using a steam cleaner to get deeper into the fibers and extract any stains or other messes. This way, you can enjoy your carpeting from the moment you move in, and it'll be much easier to keep it clean. 


If your new house has hardwood or solid floors, you’ll need to sweep and mop. Focus most of your attention on the corners and the area where the wall meets the floor. Dust can collect here, and it's hard to get with a regular broom. 


Finally, pay attention to the windows in the living room. Remove any labels and vacuum the window track to remove dust and other particles. If necessary, spot-clean any smudges on the glass. 



Typically, bedroom floors have carpeting, but you may decide to use area rugs on a hard surface instead. In addition to the floors and windows, pay attention to the closet space. Wipe down the shelves and vacuum any dust or debris in the corners. It can be hard to work a mop or vacuum inside a smaller space, so take advantage of attachments and accessories. 


Light fixtures may also have collected dust by the time you’re moving in. Make sure to remove the covering so you can wipe it down thoroughly before replacing it. Also, pay attention to any locking mechanisms that prevent them from falling when reinstalling.



When it comes to bathrooms, cleaning is essential to keep mold and grime at bay. Start off on a fresh foot right when you move in by wiping down all surfaces, including the cabinets and shelves. 


Again, dust and debris can collect in the corners, so use a vacuum attachment to ensure you get everything on the first pass. Clean the mirror and any other glass surfaces with window cleaner so it's bright and shiny for your first morning getting ready for work.



Part of buying a new construction home is getting a warranty on parts, including any appliances. Because these appliances are often brand-new, they don't require much cleaning, especially on the inside. However, look for any stickers or film covers and remove them as needed. For example, the inside of the fridge may have multiple films on the shelves, so pull them off before putting food inside. 


Remember that any cleaning products you use on these appliances should be food-grade safe. If you use harsher cleaning solutions, they may leave a residue that could get into your food. The same rule applies to all kitchen surfaces, including countertops and cabinets. You may want to put cabinet covers on the shelves as well so that your dishes and glassware don't touch the wood directly. 


Your kitchen will also have a duct system or hood over the stove. Inspect the interior and vacuum any dust or particles that may have collected during construction. Also, pay attention to any filters you may have to replace or clean later on. 


Storage Space 

Most of the cleaning of new construction homes involves working in areas with the most traffic. Therefore, you may assume that storage spaces like closets and cabinets don't need as much attention. However, the fact is that dust and dirt can accumulate in every nook and cranny of the house. 


To help keep these spaces clean after you move in, we recommend putting down surface covers or films. These pieces are easier to wipe down, and you can toss them if they get too dirty. 


How to Keep Your New Construction Home Clean and Healthy 

Knowing what, when, and how to clean is only part of cleaning a new construction home. Without the right systems and mindset in place, it's easy to fall behind and let the clutter and mess take over. So, here are some tips on how to make cleaning part of your regular habit.


Establish a Cleaning Routine

Some areas must be cleaned weekly, while others can wait up to a month or longer. Start by writing down the cleaning rotation of each space or item and organize the list by time frame. You can also categorize your list by room or by type. For example, you can create a list of floors that need cleaning each week or list each floor within its respective room. 


Since it's often not feasible to clean everything in a single day, it's best to rotate cleaning sessions so you're focused on a smaller task. Alternatively, you can do a few tasks during the week and set aside a day to do the rest. Ideally, you can clean areas as you use them so nothing builds up too much. 


It's also a good idea to create a new home construction cleaning checklist. This way, you don't forget any areas, and you can check them off as you go. Making the list reusable (i.e. with a dry-erase board or laminated sheet) ensures you can keep up with everything and reset the list as needed. 


Keep a Maintenance Record

A maintenance record is different from a cleaning schedule or checklist. This record only needs to be updated when you have work done on a specific item, such as an appliance. You can organize the sheet by room or just list everything by time frame. For example, you may schedule an HVAC inspection yearly, but a roofing inspection every six months. 


This record doesn't have to be detailed, but it should list the date, the work done (i.e. inspection vs. repair), and who did it (the company or person). This way, if you need additional repairs, you know who to contact. For example, if an appliance is under warranty, you should have that information handy for the duration of the warranty. 


Use Natural Cleaning Products

Harsh chemicals can not only create strong odors, but they may add wear and tear. Also, some chemicals may be too strong to use in enclosed spaces, so they're off-limits for household cleaning. 


Natural cleaning products are often just as effective and are sometimes milder for both you and your home. the natural household cleaners we love! 


Home Cleanliness Comes From Being Proactive and Consistent 

Overall, cleaning new construction homes is easier the more proactive you are. This means that you should clean your new home thoroughly and regularly. Setting a consistent cleaning schedule, as well as focusing on areas with high traffic or use, will go a long way in keeping your new home healthy. 


For more tips on cleaning your new build home, check out our homeowner's manual. This manual offers helpful tips and tricks on how to clean specific items (i.e. carpeting), and it comes with a new home construction cleaning checklist. There's also a seasonal checklist to ensure you can spot changes in the home based on weather and climate conditions.


Cleaning New Construction Homes FAQ 


Should I clean my new build house?

Yes, even though everything is brand-new, dust and dirt can start to accumulate immediately and there may be some construction dust left over from the build. The sooner you start cleaning regularly, the easier it is to keep your home neat and organized.


How long does it take for construction dust to settle?

Typically, construction dust settles after a few minutes. However, cleaning and sweeping can send dust particles into the air. Wait for them to come back down before finishing.


How do you clean a new construction home? 

The best way to clean a new construction home is to start with high-traffic areas like the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Since these areas will get dirty relatively fast, you must be vigilant and proactive about cleaning them. 


How long does the new construction smell last?

Depending on the materials and processes used, the "new home" smell can last up to a few months or longer. However, areas with lots of traffic tend to lose their smell faster than others. 


What is post-construction cleaning? 

Post-construction cleaning service is what the building crew does after finalizing the details of a new home. This process usually involves removing fine dust and other particles, but it may involve cleaning and removing residues from adhesives and other materials.


How to clean floors after construction 

Typically, dust is the most common element on floors after construction. Sweeping can remove a lot of the dust, but it's best to use a damp (not wet) mop to get all the smaller particles. 


How to clean new construction windows 

The best way to clean new construction windows is often to use a glass scraper to remove dust and other particles (after removing any stickers or protective films). Then, spray the window with water or a cleaning solution. The moisture will cling to any remaining particles, which you can remove with a wiper. 

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